Why Disinfection Process is Important in Water Treatment Plant?

What is Disinfection?Disinfection is a process to destroy disease-causing organisms, or pathogens. Disinfection of water can be done by boiling the water, ultraviolet radiation, and chemical inactivation of the pathogen.

In the water treatment processes, pathogens and other organisms can be partly physically eliminated through coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration, in addition to the natural die-off. After filtration, to ensure pathogen-free water, the chemical addition of chlorine, it is also called chlorination,

The Process is most essential for disinfection of water treatment Plant to prevent organic sludge fouling or deposit over and above of further Filtration process like Ultrafiltration(UF) and Reverse Osmosis(RO) and Nano Filtration(NF).

The use of ozone and ultraviolet for disinfection of water and wastewater is increasing in Globally.

Further, Advantage of Chlorination Process :

Chlorination serves not only for disinfection, but as an oxidant for other substances are iron, manganese,cyanide, etc. and for taste and odor control in water and wastewater. Other chemical disinfectants include chlorine dioxide, ozone, bromine, and iodine. The last two chemicals are generally used for personal application, not for the public water supply.

It is is most widely used for disinfection of drinking water. For the public health standpoint, chlorination of drinking water provides more benefits than its shortcoming due disinfection by-products (DBPs).

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