Calculation of Normality

Calculation of Normality

Equivalent weight (EW) = Molecular weight (MW) / Valency (Z)

Normality (N) =Equivalent weight (EW) / Volume of Solution (1000 ml.)

Meq = Actual weight (W) / Equivalent weight (EW)

Example: Molecular wt of K2Cr2O7 is 294.148 gm

Valency = 6 (because of Cr -6)

EW = 294.148/6 = 49.025 [....]

Food-to-Microorganism Ratio(F/M Ratio)

Food-to-Microorganism ratio (F/M ratio)

The food-to-microorganism ratio (F/M ratio) is a process control method/calculation based upon maintaining a specified balance between available food materials (BOD or COD) in the aeration tank influent and the aeration tank mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) concentration The chemical oxygen demand test is sometimes used, because the results are available in a relatively short [....]

BOD/COD Loading on Aeration Process

Calculating BOD, COD, or SS loading on an aeration process

When calculating COD, BOD, or SS loading on an aeration process (or any other treatment process),loading on the process is usually calculated as lb/day. The following equation is used:
BOD, COD, or SS loading (lb/day) = mg/L x MGD x 8.34 lb/gal


The BOD concentration of the wastewater [....]

Calculating Calcium Hardness as CaCO3

Calculating Calcium Hardness as CaCO3

The hardness (in mg/L as CaCO3) for any given metallic ion is calculated using Equation

Calcium hardness (m/L) as CaCO3/equivalent weight of CaCO3

= Calcium (mg/L)/equivalent weight of calcium


A water sample has calcium content of 51 mg/L. What is this calcium hardness expressed as CaCO3?

Referring to Equation:

x mg/L /50.045=51 mg/L [....]

Calculating Magnesium Hardness

Calculating Magnesium Hardness as CaCO3

To calculate magnesium hardness, we use this Equation 

magnesium hardness (m/L) as CaCO3/equivalent weight of CaCO3

= magnesium (mg/L)/equivalent weight of magnesium


A sample of water contains 24 mg/L magnesium. Express this magnesium hardness as CaCO3
Referring to Equation:

x mg/L /50.045=24 mg/L /12.15

x=24 x 50.045/12.15

=98.9 mg /L

Technorati Tags: water

Alkalinity Determination

      Alkalinity measures the acid-neutralizing capacity of a water sample. It is an aggregate property of the water sample and can be interpreted in terms of specific substances only when a complete chemical composition of the sample is also performed. The alkalinity of surface waters is primarily
due to the carbonate, bicarbonate, and hydroxide content and is often interpreted in [....]