Measurement of Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD)

Measurement of Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) is a measure of the oxygen demand characteristics of the bottom sediment which affects the dissolved oxygen resources of the overlying water. To measure SOD, a bottom sample is especially designed to entrap and seal a known quantity of water at the river bottom. Changes in DO concentrations (approximately 2 h, or until the [....]

How to Determine of Phosphate

Determination of Phosphate

The neutralized sample is reacted with ammonium molybdate and stannous chloride.the blue color obtained is matched against that produced with a series of standard phosphate solution, visually or with spectrophotometer at 690mu.


1.Phenolphthalein indicator solution

2.Approximately 4N sulfuric acid

3.Ammonium Molybdate Solution

4.Standard Phosphate solution


To a 50 ml.sample containing not more than 0.15mg.of phosphate(as [....]

Water Treatment using Silver

Silver has been suggested by some for water treatment.Its use is currently out of favor due to the EPA’s establishment of a 50 ppb MCL (Maximum Contaminate Level) limit on silver in drinking water.This limit is set to avoid argyrosis, a cosmetic blue/gray staining of the skin, eyes,
and mucous membranes.

As the disease requires a net accumulation of [....]

The most effective method for Field Chlorine Treatment!

 Calcium Hypochlorite, also known as High Test Hypochlorite (HTH) is supplied in crystal form; it is nearly 70% available chlorine.This is the most effective method of field chlorine treatment.
One product, the Sanitizer (formally the Sierra Water Purifier) uses these crystals to super-chlorinate the water to insure pathogens were killed off, then hydrogen peroxide is added to [....]