Measurement of Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) is a measure of the oxygen demand characteristics of the bottom sediment which affects the dissolved oxygen resources of the overlying water. To measure SOD, a bottom sample is especially designed to entrap and seal a known quantity of water at the river bottom. Changes in DO concentrations (approximately 2 h, or until the [....]
How to Determine of Phosphate
Determination of Phosphate
The neutralized sample is reacted with ammonium molybdate and stannous chloride.the blue color obtained is matched against that produced with a series of standard phosphate solution, visually or with spectrophotometer at 690mu.
1.Phenolphthalein indicator solution
2.Approximately 4N sulfuric acid
3.Ammonium Molybdate Solution
4.Standard Phosphate solution
To a 50 ml.sample containing not more than 0.15mg.of phosphate(as [....]
Water Treatment using Silver
Silver has been suggested by some for water treatment.Its use is currently out of favor due to the EPA’s establishment of a 50 ppb MCL (Maximum Contaminate Level) limit on silver in drinking water.This limit is set to avoid argyrosis, a cosmetic blue/gray staining of the skin, eyes,
and mucous membranes.
As the disease requires a net accumulation of [....]
How sodium hypochlorite (NaOCL) makes in some Countries?
Some small treatment plants in Africa produce their own sodium hypochlorite on site from the electrolysis of brine. Power demands range from 1.7 to 4 kwh per lb. of NaOCL. 2 to 3.5 lbs. of salt are needed for each pound of NaOCL.
These units are fairly simple and are made in both the U.S. and the U.K.
Another system, [....]
The most effective method for Field Chlorine Treatment!
Calcium Hypochlorite, also known as High Test Hypochlorite (HTH) is supplied in crystal form; it is nearly 70% available chlorine.This is the most effective method of field chlorine treatment.
One product, the Sanitizer (formally the Sierra Water Purifier) uses these crystals to super-chlorinate the water to insure pathogens were killed off, then hydrogen peroxide is added to [....]
How to Calculate Aeration Tank Air Quantity?

This example in connection with our previous post,
How to calculate Aeration Tank Volume?
Total BOD to be removed (Influent) = 250 mg/l (assume) x 1400 = 350 kg/Day (we consider 1400 M3/Day Effluent Plant)
Hence O2 to be transferred =350 kg/Day
Method of Aeration = Fine Bubble Diffuser
[....]SOTE (Standard O2 Transfer Efficiency For 300