Air Blower Capacity Selection for Aeration Tank

Did you Select, correct Capacity Air blower for your aeration Tank/Basin ? Any water and wastewater treatment process Air Requirement…


How to select Jet Aerators for Aeration Tank

The things are going to be considered for Jet Aerator Selection for your application, Any water treatment plant, aeration tank/…


Why Fine Bubbles are Better than Coarse bubble in Aeration Tank

Why Fine Bubble is better then Coarse Bubble? Generally the volume of air here we are taking about in size…


How to Calculate Lime Dosage Requirement in Sedimentation Process

Lime dosage requirement is most important process in Sedimentation Process, to separate the solids from liquid by gravity. Sedimentation is…


How to separate Filter backwash water sludge?

Normally, the filter backwash water sludge very tough to remove or separate that one, generally in many plants that will…


7 Most commonly used Coagulants in Water Treatment

Coagulation is an primary process of any kind of water treatment plant, that process must be performed using with cost…


Principle and Design of Spray Aerators

Principle and Design of Spray Aerators: The system consist more spray nozzles, which are connected in a pipe, similarly many…


How to Handle the Vacuum Crystallizer

How to Handle Vacuum Crystallizer / Cooling Crystallizer, those are commission this plant, the following subjects to be checked, while…


How to Eliminate / Reduce Water Hammer in the piping System

Water Hammer or surge, It is big headache  to every Industry,Why and How it is happen? before that we should know What…


Rejection Ratio of Various Solutes passing through Membrane

The DOW Membrane recently estimated the various solutes rejection ratio in their own production of membrane of FT30 Model I…
