Determination of Oil & Grease
Apparatus: Separating funnel, beaker, measuring cylinder, funnel. Chemicals: Petroleum Ether 400- 600 C, Conc. HCl, Methyl orange indicator. Procedure: *…
Apparatus: Separating funnel, beaker, measuring cylinder, funnel. Chemicals: Petroleum Ether 400- 600 C, Conc. HCl, Methyl orange indicator. Procedure: *…
Principle: In a neutral or slightly alkaline solution, Potassium Chromate can indicate the end point of silver nitrate solution.Silver chloride…
The rate of flow equals the cross-sectional Area of the pipe Multiplied by the velocity of the water movement Through…
Apparatus : * Furnace * Whatman Filter paper No - 42 * Silica Crucible * Funnel Procedure : * Take…
Equivalent weight (EW) = Molecular weight (MW) / Valencey. (Z) Normality (N) = Equivalent weight (EW) / Volume of Solution…
Even many advantage if have using by Reverse Osmosis. Similarly, the disadvantages of reverse osmosis are several, but the main…
Sr.No Parameter Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17…
There is no possibility to reduce/remove COD & BOD Level by using Ultra Filtration (UF). The Surface water Contain Less…
Turbidity is an expression of the optical property of water that causes light to be scattered and absorbed rather than…
TOC, an acronym for Total Organic Carbon or Total Oxidizable Carbon, is a non-specific test that measures the amount…